This workshop will help you develop an LBPS for your business ("Lessons-Bridge-Pitch-Survey")
An LBPS is a sophisticated lead magnet.
It's what you'll use to primarily grow your list, and it also will help you capture a tremendous amount of segment data about your new subscribers – primarily, a bit about who they are and what they're looking for from you. More on this in a second.
Once a new subscriber opts-in to your LBPS, you'll lead them through a personalised educational journey that's designed to "create a customer" – given what you know now about someone, you'll introduce the problem-space you work within and teach them how to achieve the solution they're looking for.
Then you'll bridge the gap between what you've given away for free and what you have to offer them.
But rather than just screaming "BUY BUY BUY", you'll instead leverage a Bridge and Pitch to present them with three options:
Do nothing with what you've learned (which keeps them mired in the problem you've identified)
Using what you've taught them, figure out how to solve the problem on their own (risky, prone to failure, and they'll still be affected by the problem until they're able to figure things out)
Take the shortcut and have you help them
After pitching, you'll then automatically survey non-buyers to find out what held them back. Was it the cost, the time required, a lack of trust, or something else? And then this new segmentation data will help you overcome their unique objections the next time around.
So, for example, with one of my courses – Double Your Freelancing Rate – I created a 9-lesson personalised crash course on how to think about what you offer and what it means for your clients. This crash course establishes the problem ("race to the bottom commoditised pricing") and points to a solution.
Then I introduce my offer, the shortcut to reaching the solution, which is my paid course. And it's all done in a way that's both attractive to my subscribers and highly profitable for me.
Best of all, whenever I go on a podcast to talk about freelancing, or speak at an event, or write a guest post, or want to show an opt-in at the end of all of my blog posts, I pitch my LBPS and not anything paid.
The LBPS handles doing the selling for my, automatically.